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Angelika Roberts has written this play together with Paula Ternström.
This fast paced show takes you on a breathtaking journey through the world of film and theatre.
They stop at the emotional abysses where laughter, tears and recognition are mixed.
Do you dare to follow your dreams and listen to your inner voice?
Our inspiration comes from Thelma & Louise, Quentin Tarantino, Shakespeare, David Lynch & Anton Chekhov.

Premiere (opening night) Stockholm, October 20 at Teater Tribunalen
Will play 2-3, 10, 12-13, 19-20 November.
Premiere Gothenburg, November 17 at Göteborgs Dramatiska Teater
Will play November 25-27 and December 1-3 and 8-9


Book your tickets today, by clicking on the links below:




Film Efter skolan 2016, Director: Gisela Nadasy

Latte Moms

Angelika produced and performed in the short film Latte moms that was shown at the New York City International Filmfestival and Scandinavian Film Festival Hollywood LA.

The importance of being Earnest: Lady Bracknell

Ronja Rövardotter: Lovis

Hemsöborna: Ida

Fyra Bröllop och ett bad

Angelika Roberts is a Swedish actor working within film, TV and Theatre world wide.

© Angelika Roberts, 2020

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